What should I do if I hit a deer, wild boar or other wild animal with my vehicle?
It is not uncommon for vehicles to hit wild animals, especially in forested areas. Here we offer some tips about what you should do in this potentially dangerous situation.
The most important thing to note: When it comes to accidents with wild animals, the best action you can take is to drive slowly and carefully – especially at dusk.
But what should you do, if you see a wild animal on the road? At night, you should dim your lights, brake in a controlled manner and attempt to avoid hitting the animal. Many animals live in family groups, packs or herds – as such, you should always expect their to be additional animals around.
If you cannot avoid hitting the animal, do not try to swerve. The risk of your vehicle colliding with oncoming traffic or hitting an obstacle on the side of the road is simply too great. Both of these consequences pose a greater risk than a collision with a deer, wild boar or other wild animal. As such, you should try to brake in a controlled manner and remain on your side of the road.
If you do collide with a wild animal, attending to injured persons is the priority. Secure the site of the accident – without putting yourself in danger – and call the police (110). The police control centre will inform the local person with a hunting permit, who will find the injured animal and relieve its suffering. Injured wild animals often move on from the scene of the accident and die later on in a different location. The more precise the information that you give the police, the faster an injured animal can be found.