Information for hikers
ATTENTION – the African swine fever has been detected in wild bores in Belgium, about 60 km from the German border. ASF is an often fatal, serious illness among wild bores and domestic pigs caused by viruses.
- Humans and other animals cannot contract the illness!
Swine can be infected by means of direct contact or via bodily fluids, infected objects or food of infected swine. Human negligence is considered the main source for the transmission of ASF. For example, the pathogen can be transmitted by a sandwich that was disposed of incorrectly.
- Please do not throw away any leftovers outdoors or in open rubbish bin that are easy to access!
What should you do if you find a dead wild bore?
Early detection is one of the most important measures in preventing the disease from spreading. This is why dead wild bores should be tested for ASF as quickly as possible.
If you find a dead wild bore while taking a walk in the woods:
- Do not touch anything! If you came into contact with the carcass, clean everything as thoroughly as possible to prevent spreading!
- Please report your find to the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz, LANUV) right away on telephone number 0049 (0)201 714488. LANUV emergency services will coordinate with the local authorities to quickly secure and test the wild bore.
This outbreak in neighbouring Belgium not only puts our wild bores at risk, but also poses a risk to our domestic pigs! Please help us to prevent the disease from infiltrating our country and spreading!